Dovy Kairys - Tip Of The Day

*FREE* GAME wink 😉

Tip of the Week: 

When running a business, make sure to note down all the changes you make. Many people don’t document the changes they implement and tend to wing it, hoping for the best. However, it’s crucial to record everything. For example, if you changed a picture of a product on your website because you didn’t like the previous one, note the date of the change. Then, check back a week later to see if it improved your sales or conversion rate for that product. Tracking these small changes helps you understand their impact, allowing you to replicate successful strategies in the future. Don’t run your business blindly—record and track everything!

This advice applies to all aspects of your business! DM me on Instagram @dovy_jka. I’d love to know what you’re tracking and monitoring in your business.